Surface-covering vaccination - Interessengemeinsxhaft GewerbeTransport u Verkehr

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Strategies > Corona Pandemic
Strategy paper on a closed vaccination campaign to combat the corona pandemic
Involving supervised and controlled self-testing by the population in support of existing test centres


At the outset, it should be noted that this strategy is intended to support the existing vaccination centres to cover small towns and counties. For the vaccination centres themselves, a coordinated shuttle service with separate toilet facilities for the driving staff outside the vaccination centres should be implemented. However, the roadmap for this should basically be based on the requirements of the selection of vaccination candidates set out in this strategy paper.

In addition to an efficient, effective and credible implementation of a comprehensive vaccination campaign in the fight against the corona pandemic against SARS-CoV-2 and its mutations, in addition to a well-coordinated selection of vaccination candidates, the best possible coordination of the deployment sites and the strategic inclusion of professional resources are urgently needed.

Here, too, the same tenor applies as in the test, namely that a wild, uncontrolled vaccination of the population simply makes no sense, but only affirms the critics and opponents.

In addition to a good and simply coordinated vaccination tour, it would be recommended to proceed according to plan squares or rural and urban areas and an equally simple method of selecting the vaccination candidates. These could be called as follows:

  • By road trains and house numbers
  • By surname
  • Counting downwards after birthdays

Priority candidates could be handled separately via an additional module carried along, for example in the form of an air dome, a medium-sized trade fair van or an office container.

As an alternative to the supplementary modules, citizens' offices or town halls could also be involved for the priority candidates, similar to the federal election procedure.
The vaccination tour

All citizens must be invited to a vaccination date in writing and in a binding manner. This cover letter must indicate that this must be submitted for the vaccination date. Homeless people and people without permanent residence must be invited via the usual places such as social workers, tables, etc. For homeless people and people without permanent residence, a binding cover letter must be provided, which can be supplemented by the mentioned bodies.

The cover letter can also be sent via e-mail as an alternative to the letter post. For this purpose, citizens must be informed, for example, via the public media.

For a successful implementation of the above-mentioned vaccination campaign, checks on the identity of the vaccination candidates by submitting the above-mentioned documents are required. Invitation and valid proof of identity required. In the case of young children, the presentation of the birth certificate would be recommended for legitimization.
Binding and obligatory termination

The vaccination dates are coordinated and scheduled in advance. Each vaccination candidate is notified of a binding and obligatory time window for a vaccination date. The time slots at the mobile vaccination centres depend on the number of inhabitants of the locality approached and on precalculation with an appropriate tolerance. An exact one has yet to be produced.

Example for a service life of 5 days:

In the example, we assume a vaccination period of 15 minutes and 16 vaccination places per vaccination and an average population density of 4,000 inhabitants. Thus, 768 vaccinations occur at 12 hours of use per day. For this purpose, 3 time slots a 4 hours are offered per day, e.g. from 08:00 to 12:00, from 14:00 to 18:00 and from 20:00 to 24:00.

An invitation to vaccine is an apology to the employer!
Bonus programme

To make out of the duty also a freestyle, to motivate the population additionally and at the same time to boost the economy again a municipal bonus program should be offered as follows:

Each vaccination candidate receives a bonus booklet with vouchers from the region after vaccination. In particular, regional retailers and gastronomy have the opportunity to present themselves and secure future sales, because when do you stay with a cup of coffee or just want to redeem a voucher? Furthermore, especially in small towns and counties, the advantage lies in the personal redemption of a voucher in order to signal that one actively belongs to come out of the lockdown.

Within the framework of the climate concept, the above-mentioned Bonus booklet also includes e.g. a bonus ticket of the regional public transport, the DB, a car-sharing provider or the municipal utilities. As well as discounted tickets to cultural facilities.

All in all, an additional incentive can certainly be created here and a per capita value of several hundred euros can be advertised.
The mobile vaccination centers

Most of us know the trade fair truck's and van's with the generous showrooms in which already some pharmaceutical manufacturers presented. With up to 200 sqm interior and the appropriate concepts, they can now provide us with good services in the pandemic as mobile vaccination centers.
Here is a sample truck in detail:

36 Tonnen
380V 32A
Einlass: 1/2 Zoll DN 15
Auslass: 40 mm
Länge (fahrbereit):
16,80 Meter
Breite (fahrbereit):
5,50 Meter
Höhe bei Fahrt:
4,00 Meter
2,40 Meter
Länge (aufgebaut):
Ohne Treppe (Heck): 16,80 Meter
Mit Treppe (Heck): 18,30 Meter
Breite (aufgebaut):
Ohne Treppe (seitlich): 7,20 Meter
Mit Treppe (seitlich): 8,50 Meter
Höhe (aufgebaut):
Ohne Fahnen: 5,20 Meter
Insgesamt 16 Kabinen a 140cm Breite können in jedem Trailer montiert werden.

Vom Konzept her wären folgende Möglichkeiten umsetzbar:


Während der Wartezeit können auf Flatscreens und in der Kabine selbst Informationsvideos für die Patienten gezeigt werden. Unsere Trucks bieten genügend Platz, einen separaten Ein- und Ausgang und sind aufgrund der Ausstattung hygienisch zu reinigen.

Zudem sind die Trucks autark, haben Waschbecken, Frisch- und Abwassertanks an Bord und sind somit innerhalb kürzester Zeit an jedem Ort einsetzbar.

The Strategy Paper
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