Allow Kibbat - Interessengemeinsxhaft GewerbeTransport u Verkehr

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Über uns
                Jörg Kibbat
Dipl. Finanz- und Marktanalyst
Graduate Crisis and Disaster Manager
Interest representative registered with the German Bundestag

My lobby are people

Initiator and founder of the FahrGut initiative (2008) and co-founder of the BGV in 2020. Most recently as Chairman of the Board of the BGV and now again initiator and founder of the further development to IGTV.

The FAHRGUT initiative was born from his pen and was built into the established trademark in the industries. He conceived and implemented the networks and partnerships as well as events and was thus regarded as a future-maker of the association and now of the community of interests. In particular, he complements this with more than 30 years of networking as a government-related consultant in the political and strategic sphere, whereby he has been able to establish himself permanently beyond his expertise far beyond this economic sector.

Jörg Kibbat                                                
Dipl. Finance- and Market Analyst
Graduate Crisis and Disaster Manager
Interest representative registered with the German Bundestag

After my sound training at a renowned Düsseldorf private bank and several years of practical experience in the same in the 80s, I gained almost 20 years of practical experience as a strategic civil-military crisis and disaster manager for various organizations in crisis, war and disaster areas such as Africa, the Middle East and others.

For 15 years I have been dedicated to critical topics around safe traffic route planning with a focus on crime and terror prevention and developed, among other things, the projects TruckSAFE Comfort/Pandemic and Euro-Shield, with which I was able to arouse great interest in the EU, the BMVI and NATO. In this context, I support Transported Asset Protection, TAPA for short, the EU Commission MOVE C1, the Federal Government of Germany, the UN and others.

Furthermore, I founded the initiative FahrGut for more recognition of professional drivers 17 years ago, which resulted in the Federal Association of Goods Transport & Transport, BGV for short, in 2020.

Since 2020, I have also been head of the Task Force SARS CoV2/CDIP (Agency of Crisis and Disaster Inter-Prevention) and provide the Federal Government with strategy papers and innovations to combat the corona pandemic. Here I also came across the idea of a test procedure according to RT-LAMP, of which I am still absolutely convinced.
The current how and why

For almost 30 years I have been advising government-related companies, authorities, departments of ministries at federal, state and European level as well as transport and logistics associations on critical matters.

In addition to crisis and disaster matters, this also includes particularly demanding topics such as safe goods and traffic route planning, personnel issues and the assessment of innovative infrastructures.

Since 2020, I have been head of the SARS Task Force CoV2, which was set up by the then Minister of Transport, Scheuer, and which had the basic task of the municipal allocation of crisis-relevant goods such as antigen and PCR tests, mouth and nose masks, vaccines, etc. This also includes the supply of municipal test and vaccination centres.

I expanded this area to include the supply and coordination of goods and goods transport as well as the areas of responsibility, development of strategy papers on test and vaccination campaigns and the assessment of new targeted innovations in the fight against corona and future pandemics.

One week after the start of the war in Ukraine, I founded the Task Force Ukraine, which, in addition to strategies on refugee issues, also focuses on the pandemic and the medical treatment of new arrivals from Ukraine.

Since my services to the government as well as the EU after pure fee settlement, which is currently stalled by the current (unfortunately still not completely completed) formation of a new government (new contracts are in progress), I have briefly joined the lobby register of the German Bundestag as a free lobbyist (Reg-No. R004795) and register with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politikberatung.

With my direct political contacts (currently 304) to acting state secretaries, ministers, Heads of unit and deputies, many of whom I am in permanent dialogue with as a result of the situation, as well as my more than 200 direct contacts with decision-makers of leading German companies and associations, I not only offer you added value for your company, your products and/or services, but can give you the contacts at hand, which open some doors for the economic advancement of your company in the short and long term.
Excerpt of my work since 2008:

  • Idea, development, concept and realization of the initiative FahrGut for more recognition of driving personnel
  • Idea, development, concept and realization of the FahrGut action plan in which small attentions are distributed to driving personnel on special memorial and public holidays, such as Christmas
  • Idea, development and concept for the Deutsche Bahn carsharing project Trucker Mobility
  • Idea, development and concept for the Deutsche Bahn car-sharing project Hitch Mobility
  • Idea, development, concept and realization FairTop for the benefit of bus and truck drivers incl. quality seals and certificates for fair employers and top drivers
  • Idea, development and concept for the automated, space-saving and safe truck stop solution TruckSAFE Comfort-Parking
  • Idea, development and concept for the EuroSHIELD security concept
  • Idea, development, concept and realization of the German/Chinese TransLogistic Cluster
  • Made available to the BMVI, the Federal Government and the EU: EU crisis and disaster plan for a safe and trouble-free movement of goods, taking into account Article 91 b GG
  • Supply of BKF in the first lockdown (mobile sanitary facilities and food packages)
  • Change in legislation for opening rest areas for BKF
  • Repatriation of BKF from Dover
  • Establishment of the BGV, the Federal Association of Commercial Transport & Transport
  • Provided to the BMG: Strategy paper test phase against Corona
  • Provided to BMG: Strategy Paper Hard Shutdown CORONA2021A-G
  • Idea, development and concept for the Deutsche Bahn car-sharing project Hitch Mobility
  • Idea, development, concept and realization FairTop for the benefit of bus and truck drivers incl. quality seals and certificates for fair employers and top drivers
  • Idea, development and concept for the automated, space-saving and safe truck stop solution TruckSAFE Comfort-Parking
  • Idea, development and concept for the EuroSHIELD security concept
  • Idea, development, concept and realization of the German/Chinese TransLogistic Cluster
  • Made available to the BMVI, the Federal Government and the EU: EU crisis and disaster plan for a safe and trouble-free movement of goods, taking into account Article 91 b GG
  • Supply of BKF in the first lockdown (mobile sanitary facilities and food packages)
  • Change in legislation for opening rest areas for BKF
  • Repatriation of BKF from Dover
  • Establishment of the BGV, the Federal Association of Commercial Transport & Transport
  • Provided to the BMG: Strategy paper test phase against Corona
  • Provided to BMG: Strategy Paper Hard Shutdown CORONA2021A-G
  • Change in the legislation on alternatives (in vitro diagnostics) compared to the PCR test methodology
  • Open source: Strategy paper on a cross-border repatriation and supply plan for Ukrainian professional drivers
  • Preparation of a strategy paper on the humane management of Ukrainian/Eastern European refugee flows in the D/CH/EU area, taking into account a 3-month registration period and the current pandemic
  • Preparation of strategy paper test campaign CORONA2022/RS-V Schools PLUS
  • Preparation of strategy paper on prioritization of risk occupational group
  • Preparation of strategy paper on a virus-free football World Cup 2022 in Qatar (client Dubai/Qatar)
  • Preparation of key issue papers on refugees and migration T1 and T2
  • Preparation of strategy papers on refugees and migration T1 and T2
  • Idea, development, concept and realization of innovations TomorrowsWorldToday for a better understanding between China, the Middle East and Europe, especially Germany
  • Open source: Strategy paper on a cross-border repatriation and supply plan for Ukrainian professional drivers
  • Preparation of a strategy paper on the humane management of Ukrainian/Eastern European refugee flows in the D/CH/EU area, taking into account a 3-month registration period and the current pandemic
  • Preparation of strategy paper test campaign CORONA2022/RS-V Schools PLUS
  • Preparation of strategy paper on prioritization of risk occupational group
  • Preparation of strategy paper on a virus-free football World Cup 2022 in Qatar (client Dubai/Qatar)
  • Preparation of key issue papers on refugees and migration T1 and T2
  • Preparation of strategy papers on refugees and migration T1 and T2
  • Idea, development, concept and realization of innovations TomorrowsWorldToday for a better understanding between China, the Middle East and Europe, especially Germany
  • Idea, development and concept Next Heroes to attract drivers from ALG II using my exclusive seizure protection and resettlement program

I can send you proof of this on request.

Necessary discretion

Although my areas of interest are accessible in the public lobby register at the German Bundestag, I ask for your esteemed understanding that I am only making information accessible by arrangement due to the too rapid misinterpretation of the mentioned topics via mandates and mandates.

More at:
Spheres of interest

  • Civil protection and disaster relief
  • Other business in the field of "Health"
  • Combating extremism
  • Combating terrorism
  • Other in the field of "Internal Security"
  • Other in the field of "State and Administration"
  • Defence policy
  • Other in the field of "Defence"
  • Safe traffic route planning

  • Human rights
  • Asylum and refugee protection
  • Other in the field of "Migration, Refugee Policy and Integration"
  • Victim protection

  • Other business in the field of "Foreign Policy and International Relations"
  • EU Common Foreign and Security Policy

  • Goods traffic
  • Passenger traffic
  • Transport policy
  • Other in the field of "Transport"
  • Safe traffic route planning
  • Maintenance and recruitment of driving personnel
In addition to the usual services, the following special services are among my or our unique selling points:

  • short-term guidance on the formation and operation of TaskForces
  • political networking & direct communications
  • strategic PR and public relations
  • Strategy Papers Escape and Evacuation Plans
  • Distance and walking plans
  • Deployment and supply plans
  • Procurement and organization
  • Allocation and distribution plans
  • Coordination and delegation plans
  • safe traffic route planning Placing on the market preventive solutions, such as in-vitro diagnostics, RT-LAMP against epidemics, mass diseases as well as epidemics and pandemics, also or especially after the corona pandemic

In addition, I or we offer solutions on topics such as:

  • Preservation and recruitment of new specialists, especially in transport and logistics Security around mobile personnel, goods and vehicles
  • Maintenance and recruitment of new specialists in the areas of care and care
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