Strategies > Corona Pandemic
Strategy Paper on a Closed Rapid Test Campaign to Combat the Corona Pandemic
Involving supervised and controlled self-testing by the population in support of existing test centres
In addition to an efficient, effective and credible implementation of a self-test phase in the fight against the corona pandemic against SARS-CoV-2 and its mutations, in addition to a well-coordinated delivery of the tests, the best possible monitoring and control as well as an official and professional final control are urgently required.
A wild, uncontrolled self-testing by the population simply does not make sense, but only affirms the critics and doubters.
An appropriate test period of 14 to 21 days with a daily test would be highly recommended here.
Alternative Situations Update
As of 06 June 2021
Alternatively, due to the general tensions and lack of confidence in the BMG, an intensive test period of 14 to 21 days with a daily test is offered. However, this would require the controlled integration of municipal institutions such as civic offices, hospitals, town halls Jobcenter, etc., with a continuous opening time of 24 hours a day.
See attachments: XXX Solutions
Release and return of test series
For a successful execution of the test phase mentioned, checks of the issued and use quick test by registering the buyers under presentation and confirmation (for online purchases) of a valid proof of identity are urgently required. In the case of young children, the presentation of the birth certificate would be recommended for legitimization.
The same procedure is recommended for the supervised testing under the guidance of an operator (see Annex Test Phase CORONA2021A-G) and the return of the entire test series at pharmacies, authorities, medical practices or hospitals for the purpose of official final checks.
Alternatively, however, authorities such as civic offices, job centres, town halls, etc. would also recommend that the test series be handed down and returned in an orderly manner, especially since in this case no additional costs would be incurred in addition to the reduced logistics effort and thus maladministration could be counteracted as in the case of mask issuance by pharmacies.
In addition, an official sealing of the individual test kits is recommended in order to counteract manipulation in the best possible way. See Annex Test Phase CORONA2021A-G.
General test offensive CORONA2021A-G/AB
Area test against SARS-CoV-2 involving the entire population
Comprehensive tests are planned over 24 hours and a period of 30 days, involving municipal infrastructures such as civic offices, town halls, community centres and job centres, in order to allow each citizen the possibility of a voluntary self-test without time restrictions, e.g. through professional obligations.
In addition to large cities, a special focus will be placed on peripheral areas as well as economically and socially disadvantaged residential areas in order to achieve the highest possible result factor.
Test process as follows:
- Comparison of personal registration with official legitimacy by means of official proof of identity (in the case of young children by recording the birth certificate)
- Comparison of the allocated registration number (normally by using the official tax number)
- Brief introduction and explanation of the test course
- Carrying out the test under the guidance of a legitimate supervisor
- Adherence to the waiting time with continuous focus on the respective tests. Usually 15 to 30 minutes.
- Evaluation of the results with optional forwarding to measures with a positive result
- Issuing a test certificate in the event of a negative result
- Allocation of a follow-up date
Required are:
At least 1 basic laboratory equipment of VICARE Solution GmbH for 96 test units per installation
Per test per person 1 fluorometric and colorimetric RT-LAMP test e.g. in the form of a Gurgel or Lolli test
Legitimate supervisors
Preferred supervisors would be citizens who work at municipal or state institutions as well as employees of NGOs and volunteers of non-profit associations. If possible with basic medical knowledge.
The supervisors can be recruited via a public tender and/or media channels and must be obliged to remain silent and discretionary for their task. For your work you will receive an expense allowance as well as a commendation from the Federal Government.
Mobile Test Offensive CORONA2021A-G/AB
Area test against SARS-CoV-2 with special attention to education and occupation Mobile test centers for a safe and trouble-free course at schools and nurseries
In order to ensure a maximum safe and trouble-free everyday school life, mobile test centers should be placed at as many schools and kitas as possible 1 hour before the start of school.
Due to the minimum space requirements of the mobile laboratories and the fact that no complicated procedures have to be carried out for the self-testing, as a result of which each test person can carry out this test in a standing position within a short time, small buses or vans, for example, can be used here.
Mobile test centers for secure and trouble-free business development
Here too, it is necessary to ensure a maximum safe and trouble-free everyday work and to place mobile test centers at as many system-relevant companies as possible 1 hour before the start of work.
Here, too, the following requirements or basics apply:
Due to the minimum space requirements of the mobile laboratories and the fact that no complicated procedures have to be carried out for the self-testing, as a result of which each test person can carry out this test in a standing position within a short time, small buses or vans, for example, can be used here.
Particular advantages of this test strategy
- Rapid detection of the SARS CoV2-Erregers already before the infection or transmission phase, i.e. directly after transmission
- Very high sensitivity & specificity at extremely low detection level
- Significantly gentler and simpler testing, for example in the form of a lollipop test, as a result of which an additional barrier on the part of the population compared with a professional rapid test can be removed. This allows additional target groups, which are subject to health restrictions, for example in the form of defective nasal mucous membranes, and/or older and disabled people to be reached.
- Currently most reliable test procedure before the PCR test procedure
- No complicated additional laboratory procedure required, but can be implemented directly on site
- Direct on-site test results within 20 to 30 minutes
- Up to 96 samples can be carried out in parallel per laboratory unit
- Significantly or many times cheaper than the PCR test method
- Complete equipment including test units "Made in Germany," thus direct availability even in high quantities and no additional contamination risk due to worrying foreign hygiene regulations during production and transport.
Urgent recommendation:
Given the current situation within the framework of the test measures in NRW for a safe and trouble-free school course, which are however too time-consuming and irritating, a timely presentation test over a week at a renowned and media-effective school in NRW is recommended. My personal recommendation for this would be, for example, the international school in Düsseldorf, as we are calling high-profile international audiences at the same time.
The Strategy Paper
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