Protection of interests - Interessengemeinsxhaft GewerbeTransport u Verkehr

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The IGTV is not an association, but a representation of interests for trade, transport and transport

The downsides and the stepmom-like actions of the mixed industry associations in the Corona pandemic towards drivers and freight carriers unfortunately showed how strongly the established associations are tied to their hands and the urgent need for a lobby for the transport and transport industries.

But even in normal times, the needs and interests of tradespeople as well as the transport and traffic industries are far behind.

Benefit from the many years of experience (over 15 years), the networks and the know-how of our FahrGut initiative. Because in addition to the many years of recognition towards the DACH drivers, which we have actively expressed and therefore enjoy great trust, our strengths lie in new and innovative concepts for attracting and maintaining new drivers at national and international level, such as using our exclusive seizure protection and resettlement programs or exclusive agreements with Governments of third countries

As a participant, what can you expect from your membership?

  • Guidance and decision-making on political issues
  • Sector-specific information and knowledge advantage over competition
  • Clear competitive advantage through professional implementation of ideas and solutions
  • Access to the latest added value and innovations even before market launch
  • Cost reduction and even additional income through value-added partners of the interest group, such as through innovative solutions in warehouse space management, sharing of bus and truck parking spaces and much more.
  • Collective PR and public relations work as well as marketing and advertising measures
  • Exchange of ideas among like-minded people
  • External speakers/experts on request
  • In-depth industry expertise
  • Up-to-date information
  • Discussion forums and workshops for professional and personal development
  • Professional crisis management by experts with experience abroad, e.g. in crisis and disaster areas, especially in disease areas
  • Professional financial crisis management by experts, e.g. from banking consulting and tax law

The discussions at the meetings ranged from questions of pensions to the recruitment and maintenance of driving personnel and vehicle maintenance to the handling of tenders in regular services. There would be enough topics for the agenda of the next meetings.

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