Strategies > Clima and Energy
Strategy Paper Energy Reserve Germany 2022/23
Incorporating existing innovations (beta edition)
Germany and Europe are in the biggest energy crisis of the 21st century. At the same time, there is growing tension towards the threat of war in Germany and Europe, which faced the Western world last time during the Cold War in the Cuban Crisis in 1962, only this time it is close to grasping in the immediate vicinity.
Weakened by the still acute pandemic and in constant power transit around gas from a pipeline of Russia's warmongering power, climate-compatible and affordable alternatives for a timely supply of emergency energy must be created in order to at least secure the basic energy supply of the population and, if possible, by winter.
The requirements for this are preventive in a smart and deliberate way to counteract a cold winter with supply bottlenecks in the official supply of energy, especially in the supply of gas, and to launch a contact point for information and measures.
With TaskForce Energie we develop solutions and combine them with already existing innovations in order to be able to offer possibilities for the basic maintenance of the electrical supply, which can then be accessed via our portal or
Independently of individual financial budgets, offers are to be created for all households, which are made available via support programmes, subsidies and hardship decisions, for example to demand communities according to SGB II, whereby collective solutions for multi-family houses should be examined here.
1. The Policy Requirements
In addition to adjusted subsidies, grants and support programmes as well as cost assumptions or hardship solutions, short-term reforms in the authorisation procedures must:
Mobile and stationary photovoltaic systems
Mobile and stationary micro and mini wind turbines
Retention cisterns for rainwater for use on and in apartment buildings at the federal level for municipal implementation.
2. The Portal
The following priorities are to be covered via the online portal
- Current Situation Description
- Emergency plan with direct assistance offers
- Daily NEWS about the situation and crisis management
- Information on preventive and emergency measures
- Contact persons and consultants with direct links (private and state)
- Preventive offers for measures with sources with direct links
- Application descriptions and/or tutorials
- Offers for cost borrowing, subsidies and/or subsidies
- Voucher offers, e.g. for hardship decisions
- Professionally supported community
Additional Help
Help should be provided with easily understandable and as illustrated information documents as possible, similar to the handwash instructions, which we have all known since the pandemic. These should be made available for free download on the portal.
3. The measures in case of emergency:
- Controlled ventilation and heating with time data
- Controlled water withdrawals and which gadgets find a meaningful application, e.g. in toilet flushing, cleaning water (possibly with alternatives such as cisterns...) etc.
- Controlled application of household electricity, e.g. which appliances can be taken when and from the household electricity, how to regulate the refrigerator etc.
4. Eligible resources and energies
Many adventurers and campers have been able to gain experience with self-sufficient energy and water systems for many years. And just as many camping systems can be used quite easily for restricted home use.
In addition, ever more modern, climate-friendly and cost-effective energy and water systems offer a diverse and rich range for almost every purse.
In addition to the most well-known photovoltaic systems, there are promising innovations, most of which allow us all to hope to make it through to winter and the future with the help of a functioning emergency plan.
- Mobile photovoltaic systems
- Stationary photovoltaic systems
- Mike-wind strength arrangements
- Mini wind strength arrangements
- Vertical wind generator
- Horizontal wind generators (mini wind turbines)
- Infrared heating
- Cisterns for rainwater
- Retention cisterns for rainwater
5. Eligible companies
A list of providers according to paragraph 4 and corresponding service providers should provide for short distances on the portal through direct links.
The Strategy Paper
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