About us - Interessengemeinsxhaft GewerbeTransport u Verkehr

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Über uns

IGTV History
More than just a story
IGTV History 2008 - today
From the initiative to the association to the representation of interests

The BGV has started in 2020 in addition to our initiative FahrGut, which we launched in 2008 as an association and had previously been based on the general association work in the entire field of commercial transport & transport. Since its founding, the core competencies of representing the interests of drivers, as well as personnel and transport policy, have emerged and have become increasingly consolidated and established.

This is confirmed by the fact that other associations and organizations from the same economic sector have repeatedly and increasingly sought and used the support in the established core competencies.

In addition to the political association work and concept preparation, our focus on the representation of interests and support of professional drivers, in particular through the FahrGut initiative, is particularly valued. In all our endeavors, the human being is the focus.

We solve the problem of credibility and trust of all other associations and organizations with regard to their own information to take into account the interests of professional drivers extensively. It is inevitable and undisputed that there are conflicts of interest between employers and associations, etc., especially sometimes with the interests of their own professional drivers.

In addition, we have focused on the structural and fundamental problems and challenges of professional drivers in everyday work.

For example, the parking situation on the rest areas, corona regulations, how do I find fair employers, rescue alleys and much more. which go beyond the interests of individual employers.

The unique added value is especially already in the development phase of political and strategic decisions to include the side of professional drivers.

Many initiatives are launched by the various actors in the transport sector out of their own interests and motivation and we supplement these already in the development phase with our know-how from a strategic and professional everyday perspective of professional drivers. This leads to greater efficiency and effectiveness, less red tape, etc.

We are currently dealing with the topic of the driver shortage and the approvals of the foreign language examination of 7 other languages in professional driver training, which was already decided in the summer of 2024 in the Bundestag, but has not yet been passed in the Bundestag in 2024.

As an established ideas and innovation driver in the industry, we have been supporting the English-language solution path since 2024, initially with India, as one of the largest recruiting countries in Germany. In doing so, we are committed to a background check of the drivers on the safety of the employers and also as a relief to the bus driver's personal transport certificate, as a police certificate of conduct must be presented there. The German certificate of good conduct after the recruited entry is necessarily not meaningful at the pre-stay abroad. In addition, the future foreign specialists will also want to give the security of putting their future in the hands of a trusting employer.

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