We penetrate the mills of bureaucracy & politics
IGTV for a traffic and the personnel of the future - with a future

Our initiatives
Now new: more efficient and effective; Relaunch as advocacy on the international stage
The BGV is now transforming itself anew as IGTV with the focus on the proven and established core competencies personnel and (personnel policy topics and transport policy topics) streamlined as Next Generation!
Because we have:
-the trust of professional drivers, especially through our initiative Fahrgut since 2008
-established and recognized extensive networks and partnerships
-known to implement ideas and innovations from the development phase through politics, associations to practice.
WE MOVE THE INDUSTRIES, proven since 2008, sustainable, effective, efficient and effective! Always in partnership cooperation in the entire ecosystem of trade, transport and transport in the areas of our core competencies!
With all the best thanks

Fair-Recruiting 4.0
FairTop against driver shortage
- Top drivers from third countries
- Top professionals from India even with int. Driving licence
- Internal security through background checks of applicants from third countries
- Internal security by FSC of third country personnel
- Initiatives and actions in favour of BkF
- Quality seals and certificates for fair employers
- Driver information
- Master drivers the all-rounders

Become a member/partner
Very good reasons and advantages of a membership iin the IGTV.
- Membership Interest group
- Membership of driving personnel
- Added value partnership
- Added values
- Our benefits
- The IGTV

Sustainable into the future
Our industry also always focuses on the challenges with people in mind
- LieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzAlternative drives/fuelsTruck-issue classesFor a clean futureRest areas with a futureNew trucksNew busesNew transporters
Secure driving personnel now!

Mit allerbestem Dank