Strategies > Refugees and migration
Key issues papers on the humane management of refugee flows
and migration in Germany and the European Union
Taking into account the protection of external borders and preventive anti-terrorism measures
Based on the findings of the previous refugee crises in Germany and Europe as well as the continuing refugee flows taking into account economic and political developments within the European member states, the following key issue papers "Refugees T1 and T2" include the use of modern detection technologies as well as future-oriented AI components. Furthermore, forward-looking and innovative social concepts should ensure better acceptance, communication and profitability, excluding and breaking up criminal parallel societies for mutually acceptable migration. In addition to preventive deterrent measures, which can also be implemented against any kind of extremism, crime and terror, above all a reward system for refugees, migrants and citizens from a migration status 3.
Even if one or the other technologies listed in the cornerstone papers as well as in the associated concept drafts should perhaps seem somewhat futuristic to you, I can assure you after almost 25 years of own research participation that these can already be applied today as described.
Concept design for refugees T1
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Concept design for refugees T2
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